Coffee Fuelled Thoughts, Stories and Ideas
Grinding Away

You’ve got your first bag of beans from Hook Coffee and can't wait to start your coffee break! But you gotta grind those beans first.
Question is: How fine should you grind your beans?
No grinder? No problem, we still got you! Just let us know which equipment you’re using to brew your coffee and we will grind it for you.
Extra Coarse
Starting off with the extra coarse grind. This grind size is suitable with equipment such as the Hario Cold Coffee Brewer, ideal for an ice-cold cold brew. For a recipe on cold brew, check out our brew guide here! We've also made a handy video to guide you through the brew, making it even easier.
A coarse grind is suitable for coffee brewed using either a French Press or a Clever Dripper . Which should you choose? That's totally up to you! A French Press will give you a classic plunger brew, with a focus on strength and body whereas a Clever Dripper allows for a cleaner cup thanks to the use of a paper filter.
For a guide on brewing with a French Press, read more here! For a guide on brewing with the Clever Dripper, check out here!
Medium Coarse
Want a stronger brew from your French Press and/or Clever Dripper? Having your beans ground to a medium-coarse setting allows the brew to taste stronger, as you'll have more surface area to extract.
#Hook Hack! Going too fine might choke the paper filter on the Clever Dripper, experiment with the coarseness to find out what’s your favourite brew.
Got a V60 from your first ever subscription? A medium grind setting will be suitable for a V60 style of brewing. Having a finer grind size will provide more area for extraction but also to provide resistance for water flowing through the bed of coffee. You want to balance this to ensure that you get a balanced and flavourful brew. For a guide one how to use a V60, click here
Medium Fine
Going finer is perfect for the Aeropress and a stronger V60 brew. But just like the Clever Dripper, going too fine will clog up the V60 filter paper and spoil the brew, and we definitely don’t want to ruin perfectly good coffee. Click here to see our favourite AeroPress recipe!
This setting is FINE for espresso machines and Moka pots. As always, for a recipe using a Moka pot, click here to find out how you can make espresso-based drinks with your moka pot!
All It Takes Is A Grinder
See how empowering owning a coffee grinder can be for you home barista skills? Thankfully, it doesn't have to be very expensive either. A few hand grinders have emerged as market leaders over the years, making reliable, consistent grinding a possibility for the common man. We highly recommend Hario Hand Grinder the as a coffee grinder that is affordable, durable, and effective. Paired with a reliable coffee brewer and some of the best coffee you can buy, this grinder will take you places you could never have imagined.
Have fun grinding and brewing away! :)